
With February 14th just around the corner, here are the films that will be pulling on the Fimela editors' heartstrings this Valentine's Day.

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Lifestyle11 Film Drama Romantis (untuk Valentine) Favorit Tim Fimela
With February 14th just around the corner, here are the films that will be pulling on the Fimela editors' heartstrings this Valentine's Day.
Short Desc
Photo 8 Versi Cinta dari 8 Film Romantis Pilihan Bunga Citra Lestari Hingga Amanda Seyfried
Hari kasih sayang telah tiba! Bagi kamu yang telah merencanakan untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan menonton bareng pasangan maupun teman, kami punya beberapa referensiĀ film romantis. Yuk intip list berikut ini!