

Habis Diperkosa, Perempuan Ini Unggah Foto di Instagram, Jakarta Air mata jelas terlihat mengalir di pipi Amber Amour pada satu potret yang diunggah di akun Instagram miliknya November lalu. Pada caption foto, perempuan berusia 27 tahun itu menjelaskan detail pemerkosaan yang baru saja dialaminya. Bukan tanpa alasan "aksi" itu dilakukan oleh Amber.

Memberitahu Marie Clare, perempuan asal Cape Town, Afrika Selatan, itu mengungkapkan bahwa ia ingin memberitahu para korban pemerkosaan kalau mereka pun punya hak 'angkat bicara'. "Jadi hal pertama yang aku lakukan adalah mengambil foto dan menuliskan tentang apa yang baru terjadi," ujarnya.


It was only a few minutes ago but sometimes these things happen so fast it's hard to remember all the details.... I've been sick for the past 2 days and today was my first day out. I went back to my old hostel to leave a note for a friend, Nick. There was another guy there, Shakir, who was desperately trying to get with me. I kissed him once but he seemed drunk so I told him it was bad timing, I had already met someone. Before heading out, I went upstairs to say hi to one more friend, Clyde from the states. Shakir followed me upstairs and said he was going to take a shower. He invited me to join. I said yes because the water at my current hostel is pretty cold and after 2 days of being sick, I just really wanted a hot shower. As soon as I got in the bathroom, he forced me to my knees. I said "stop!" but he just got more violent. He lifted me up and put his penis in my vagina. I asked him to stop, again, as I began to cry. When he shoved it in my ass, that's when I passed out. I woke up a few minutes later and saw him trying to creep out the door. When he saw that I was awake, he came back to finish me off in the shower. I have all those fucked up feelings that we get after rape...shame, disgust, suffering. I'm here, alone, and any DNA has been wiped away in the shower. The South African police will just roll their eyes when I walk in. Feeling sicker than ever now. Needless today, I'm going to disappear for a bit. Just need to enjoy the freaking sun and call my friends and family in the states. Love you guys. Thank you for always being there for me. All the more reason to continue @stoprapeeducate but not today. Today, I need rest. #StopRapeEducate

A photo posted by Amber Amour (@ambertheactivist) on

Masih berada di tempat kejadian perkara, yakni kamar mandi, berdiri bahkan tak terlintas di benak Amber. Yang bisa dilakukannya hanya menulis dan menulis. Caption tersebut memuat bahwa Amber sakit selama dua hari bekalangan dan waktu itu jadi kali pertama ia keluar rumah.

Ia pergi ke Hostel lama tempatnya menginap untuk meninggalkan note pada seorang teman, Nick, namun ada laki-laki lain di sana, yakni Shakir. Setelah mengikuti Amber ke lantai atas, Shakir bilang ia ingin pergi mandi dan turut mengajak Amber. Mengiyakan, Amber menuturkan kalau ia hanya ingin merasakan nyaman air hangat.


My view of the rape kit. Thank you all for being so loving & supportive during this time. Your messages pushed me to take action and to stand up for myself and for all rape survivors. For those who wish to BLAME ME or any other survivor out there, I want you to know that you are the very reason that I am so brutally honest. I could have hidden details. I could have kept some info to myself, but NO. You need to know the truth and to see the reality of the situation. No matter what a person does, it is not an invitation for rape. It doesn't matter if I kissed him. It doesn't matter if he was drunk. It doesn't matter if I said yes to a shower. I never said he could get violent with me. I never said he could make me bleed. I never said he could rape me. But still, that's how the scene went down. I don't need to explain myself but if you're wondering WHY I took a shower with him, it was written in the text, I'd been sick with food poisoning for 2 days and needed to sweat it out. My current place of residence has only cold water (third world problems are real!) and it seemed like a miracle to be offered a hot shower. That's not what he was there for though, because as soon as he got a chance, he threw me to the ground and had his way. Dealing with rape is hard enough but the aftermath is often even more traumatic but I did this for you and I did this for me. The US Embassy and the South African police are super supportive and he may be arrested as soon as this week. Thank you for the love. And for the victim blamers, I send love, peace, and enlightenment to you so that you may be a beacon of light for us, too. #StopRapeEducate #AmberAmour #AmberTheActivist #SouthAfrica #humanitarian #healing #education #africa #survivor #sexualassault #recovery #victimblaming #overcome #rapeculture #staystrong

A photo posted by Amber Amour (@ambertheactivist) on

Setelah berada di kamar mandi, Shakir terus memaksa Amber berhubungan intim dengannya. Meski sudah menolak, namun Amber malah mendapat berbagai perlakukan kasar. Bahkan, Amber pun menuturkan bahwa dirinya sempat pingsan ketika "serangan ganas" itu menerjang.

Sebagaimana dimuat Daily Mail, gerakan 'angkat bicara' ini sebenarnya sudah rajin dikampayekan Amber setelah kali pertama ia diperkosa di New York pada 2014 silam. Amber hanya ingin publik memahami bahwa tak ada seorang pun yang pantas diperkosa dan tak ada korban pemerkosaan yang meminta akan hal itu.


A photo posted by Amber Amour (@ambertheactivist) on

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