

Gemerlap Thigh-high Boots Michelle Obama yang Menjadi Simbol Kesuksesannya, Jakarta Penampilan mantan Ibu Negara Amerika Serikat Michelle Obama selalu tampil elegan dan modis. Namun, kali ini ada yang berbeda dari penampilan-penampilan sebelumnya. 

Dalam sebuah rangkaian tur bukunya, Becoming, Michelle tampil memesona di Brooklyn Barclay’s Center dengan gaun kuning berbahan sutra dan thigh-high boots yang gemerlap pada Kamis malam (20/12). 

Majalah Essence menulis, boots Balenciaga yang menjadi holiday style goal bagi banyak perempuan itu juga disebut dengan Knife Over-The-Knee boots yang harganya hampir 4.000 dolar atau kira-kira setara dengan Rp57,9 juta. 


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That's a wrap! When I think about all the people who have come out to our events over these past few weeks, I think about a little working-class kid named Michelle LaVaughn Robinson—an ordinary girl who had some tales to tell, some failures and some successes, too. She had a lot to learn, a lot to experience, a lot to give—more than she ever could have imagined. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my story lately, and what I keep coming back to is that no matter where we came from, we all share so much. People of all backgrounds, skin colors, and political persuasions can relate to feeling uncertain or overwhelmed. We’ve all been a little frustrated by the slow, frustrating growth necessary to get where we want to go. We’ve all struggled with the balancing act that can take over days, years, or decades of our lives. And I want us all to remember that these are the moments and lessons that make us who we are -- every little twist and turn, every little bump and bruise, and ultimately every joys and every triumph, no matter how large or small. So I hope all of you believe in your story. I hope you recognize that what you see as a weakness might actually be a strength. I hope you recognize the power of your voice. And I hope you remind yourself that there isn't one right way to be an American. There isn’t one way to make your contribution in this country. So thank you all for your part of our story. Thank you for being who you are. And to everyone who’s read my memoir, or come to one of our events, or posted something online, thank you for being on this journey with me. Thank you for helping me continue to become. I hope my story can serve as a boost in your own process of becoming, too. I love you all. #IAmBecoming

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Kepada majalah Vogue, Michelle mengaku kini dia lebih bebas bereksperimen dalam memilih busana. Dalam sebuah TV show, Michelle membicarakan soal pentingnya pilihan busana di Gedung Putih bersama aktris Sarah Jessica Parker. 

Namun, kini sejak keluar dari Gedung Putih, Michelle Obama merasa bebas untuk mengenakan busana apa pun, termasuk boots tinggi yang gemerlap. Vogue menulis, boots tersebut memiliki makna yang lebih dalamBaginya, boots Balenciaga menjadi simbol seberapa jauh dia sudah berjuang dan sukses hingga hari ini. 


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