

Lirik Lagu Mikha Angelo, RUN, Jakarta Mikha Angelo melanjutkan langkahnya bersolo karier lewat sinlge kedua. Lagu yang drilis pada 12 Juni 2020 ini berjudul RUN, sebagai kelanjutan dari single sebelumnya, Shot.

Di lagu kedua ini MIkha menuangkan pemikirannya mengenai ketakutan dalam hidup. Kita semua tentu memiliki rasaitu, tapi yang pentng adalah kita tidak terus-terusan lari dari itu.

Ditulis dan diproduksi secara independen oleh Mikha, bberikut lirik lagunya.


Mikha - RUN

Push and pulling out of trouble now

Cause i’m living in my twenties now

Say we grow as we go older how

Do we know


Life was easy but not anymore

I was good, i thought i had it all

I don't listen now, i never did

Now my eyes are open


My ears are clear

My heart is ready for the thing i fear

I learn to love

I learn to feel

Just be human although it’s hard


I won’t run from it


We still have a long way to go

There’s no rule to how we should roll

Everybody’s got a life to live

A bond to fix, families, tragedies

And now your eyes are open


Your ears are clear

Your heart is ready for the thing you fear

You learn to love

You learn to feel

Just be human although it’s hard

Just don’t run from it


It’s not easy but I’m better

It gets harder but I’m stronger

With the pain that I’ve been through

I know i won’t run from it


We are just fools

With not enough faith to break our walls

But how are we supposed to know

If all we do is stay awake so don’t

Run from it


(I won’t run from it)

I’m not running away oh never

Never gonna hide any longer

I won’t runaway oh never


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