, Jakarta Pandemi virus Corona memang telah membuat pergerakan masyarakat terbatas, tak terkecuali artis cantik Ranty Maria. Karenanya, di saat ulang tahunnya ke 21 pada 26 April lalu, Ranty terus memanjatkan doanya.
"I’m officially 21. Yes, i never stop praying for this pandemic to end soon," kata Ranty di laman Instagramnya, rantymaria, baru-baru ini.
Ranty berharap pandemi segera berakhir, dan bisa mengembalikan kondisi serta situasi menjadi seperti biasanya. Ia juga sudah ingin berjumpa dengan sosok tercinta. "I cant wait to meet my loved ones out there," sambungnya.
Awalnya Mengutuk
Harus menaati peraturan untuk berada di rumah selama lebih dari sebulan, banyak rencana yang sudah digadang oleh Ranty Maria akhirnya harus gagal dilakukan. Seperti pesta ulang tahun ke 21.
"Weeks before my birthday i spent a lot of time cursing this season of life. I had plans for my 21st birthday but guess what we all have to stay at home. hashtag dirumahaja hashtag socialdistancing hashtag covid19 is killing me lol," ujarnya.
Namun, meski awalnya tak menerima kondisi pandemi ini, pada akhirnya Ranty menemukan hikmah yang ada. "But then, today, i never realize i can feel more “love” even in the middle of this pandemic," tuturnya.
"My friend (kaleboo hehe) once said theres no coincidence its all God-incidence. YES. its true. i got the chance to spend A LOT of time home with my family; my mom, my dad, my uncles, my aunt, my sisters, my bro, and also my 'mbak'. Which is what i needed the most but its hard for me to just realize that.," imbuhnya.
Banyak Cinta
Bersyukur, adalah cara yang selanjutnya dilakukan oleh Ranty Maria. Ia saat ini mengakui bahwa sudah banyak cinta yang diterimanya selama ini.
"U probably wont understand i got TOO MUCH love today. I’m grateful. God is good all the time, through EVERY season of life. I’m TOO loved and TOO blessed for literally everything," paparnya.
"Thank you Jesus, thank you everyone for your prayers, presents, everything. Stay safe y’all.(check out my 21st birthday highlights pls hehe)" tandasnya.