, Jakarta Mungkin sebagian besar orang lebih mengenal Yoko Ono sebagai istri musisi legendaris, John Lennon. Sosoknya bahkan sempat jadi sasaran hujatan fans karena dianggap memberi pengaruh buruk ke Lennon terhadap The Beatles.
Namun terlepas dari itu, Yoko Ono memiliki interest besar di bidang musik. Ono mengalami masa-masa produktif bermusik pada era 80 hingga 90an.
Sederet album telah ia produksi dalam berbagai macam project. Dari karier solonya, Yoko Ono merilis 13 album studio dari 1970 hingga 2013. Sementara ia juga menggarap 5 album bersama suaminya, John Lennon. Salah satu yang cukup melegenda adalah Live Peace in Toronto yang dirilis pada 1969.
Imajinasi musik yang liar membuat karya Yoko Ono agak sulit dipahami, dan sebagian orang menyebutnya aneh. Kemunculannya dengan Plastic Ono Band juga menimbulkan berbagai kontroversi, ketika sang legenda dianggap sudah terlalu senior untuk tampil di panggung.
Saat ini Yoko Ono telah berusia 84 tahun dengan segala pencapaian yang diraihnya. Lebih dari sekedar musisi, apalagi istri seorang legenda, Yoko Ono sendiri adalah seorang legenda.
Yoko Ono - We're All Water
There may not be much diff'rence
Between chairman mao and richard nixon
If we strip them naked.
There may not be much diff'rence
Between marylin monroe and lenny bruce
If we check their coffins.
There may not be much diff'rence
Between white house and hall of people
If we count their windows.
There may not be much diff'rence
Between raquel welch and jerry rubin
If we hear their heartbeat.
We're all water from diff'rent rivers,
That's why it's so easy to meet.
We're all water in this vast, vast ocean,
Some day we'll evaporate together.
There may not be much diff'rence
Between eldridge cleaver and the queen of england
If we bottle their tears.
There may not be much diff'rence
Between manson and the pope
If we press their smile.
There may not be much diff'rence
Between rockefeller and you
If we hear you sing.
There may not be much diff'rence
Between you and me
If we show our dreams.
We're all water from diff'rent rivers,
That's why it's so easy to meet.
We're all water in this vast, vast ocean,
Some day we'll evaporate together.
What's the diff'rence?
What's the diff'rence?
What's the diff'rence?
What's, what's oh, what's?
There's no diff'rence!
There's no diff'rence!
What's the diff'rence?
What's the diff'rence?