

Ibunda Shanty Paredes Meninggal Dunia, Jakarta Kabar duka menyelimuti penyanyi Shanty Paredes. Ratna Sutama meninggal dunia pada Kamis (31/8/2017). Ungkapan duka langsung membanjiri kolom komentar akun instagram Shanty.

"Turut berduka cita atas meninggalnya ibunda ka Shanty. Semoga amal ibadah beliau diterima di sisi Allah SWT," tulis akun @meitamelya22.

"Turut berduka cita ya neng. Semoga amal ibadah ibu diterima Allah SWT dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan. Selamat jalan bu Nana.

Shanty dikenal dekat dengan sang bunda. Beberapa kali ia kerap memposting ungkapan cintanya pada ibu yang melahirkannya tersebut. Seperti yang diposting Shanty belum lama ini.


Mother. One word. One person. One person who loves you no matter what. Who took you to doctor and cared for you when you had fever. Who Listened to all your whining, wipe your tears, sit up all night worried waiting for you to come back home from a club, put up with all your talk back when you thought you had life figured out.guided you in every problem of your life ,while she also silently had to deal with hers,til you can finally stand on your own two feet.. One person who stood by you through your first heart break til you finally found the one! One person who always put you first, even a lot of times, we're too stubborn to see that. One person who means the universe to me. It's not mother's day, but i think every day should be mother's day. #mother #iloveyoumom #imissyou #myuniverse #yousmileismile #irreplaceable

A post shared by Shanty Paredes (@shantyparedes) on

"Mother, one word, one person. One person who loves you no matter what," tulis Shanty Paredes saat ibunya merayakan ulang tahun 23 Agustus kemarin.

Shanty juga mengungkapkan kerinduannya lantaran jarang bertemu dengan sang bunda. Penyanyi R&B itu memang menetap di Hong Kong mengikuti suaminya. Shanty sesekali pulang ke Jakarta untuk pekerjaan dan meluapkan rasa rindu pada keluarga.


Menurut kabar, almarhumah ibunda Shanty Paredes akan dimakamkan Jumat (1/9/2017) usai salat Jumat. Hingga berita ini diturunkan, masih berusaha menghubungi Shanty.

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