, Jakarta Memegang gelar S2 dari Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, tak heran jika Dian Sastrowardoyo didapuk menjadi salah satu panelis di Women In Leadership In The UK & Indonesia. Ia disandingkan dengan Ibu Susi Pudjiastuti dan Anna Soubry, UK Minister for Small Business.
Di acara yang dibuka oleh PM David Cameron tersebut, Dian memilih untuk mengenakan batik. Seperti apa penampilan Dian dibalut warisan budaya Indonesia tersebut?
Baca Juga: Serunya Liburan Dian Sastrowardoyo dan Keluarga di Bali
When i worked as a consultant, I remember coming to any client’s office for the first few times would be challenging, because a lot of convincing need to be done. It was not uncommon that some people from the client side ask me to take pictures or a selfie with me instead of taking me seriously. Most of the time I felt my presence was ‘ornamental’. Being somebody that was already well known in the entertainment business is not without its issues. People tend to associate entertainers as inadequate, incompetent, or lazy. It’s as if those who choose to work in a creative industry had lost the competition academically in the very beginning that they have no choice but to work in the creative industry. At least that was the unspoken-stigma they had for people who works in the entertainment world. In order to gain ‘par’ credibility to my fellow young consultants, I need to work twice as hard to be convincing. It was not okay to be good, I need to be great. It was not okay to be convincing, I need to dazzle the clients. However, competing with other consultants in HayGroup as a Philosophy degree holder has limit me to specialize mainly in non-numerical tools such as assessments, competency coding, job design, and work load analysis. I realize that in order to be able to master the complete knowledge of the financial performance in business, I need to acquire more formal knowledge. Then, when I was pregnant with my second child, I pursued a master degree in financial management in the same University that I went-Universitas Indonesia-and got a cum laude. I was breaking all myths (at least to myself) about being a humanities degree holder would hinder you to acquire a more number crunching-technical knowledge. I learn that NOTHING is impossible-as long is one is ready to work hard. I read the accounting and the Investment Management text books like a novel. I took matters into my own hands, and tried to comprehend those unfamiliar business concepts-by my self. @britcham_id #DianSastrowardoyo #speech
Foto kiriman Dian Sastrowardoyo (@therealdisastr) pada Jul 28, 2015 pada 1:04 PDT