10+ Ucapan Hari Valentine dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Unik dan Kocak

Vinsensia Dianawanti diperbarui 10 Feb 2023, 17:00 WIB

Fimela.com, Jakarta "Selamat Hari Valentine" mungkin menjadi ucapan hari valentine yang terdengar standar dan monoton. Untuk membuatnya lebih berkesan, kamu bisa merangkai kata-kata unik sebagai ucapan hari valentine.

Isi dari ucapan hari Valentine sendiri kebanyakan berisi ungkapan hati yang terpendam selama menjalin hubungan cinta. Apalagi jika diucapkan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bagi sebagian orang masih dianggap keren.

Namun jika kamu bukan orang yang romantis, ucapan hari Valentine tetap bisa diungkapkan dengan kalimat yang unik dalam bahasa Inggris. Apa saja idenya?


What's On Fimela
2 dari 3 halaman

Ucapan hari Valentine

  • Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you seriously not sick of me yet?
  • I’m yours. Sorry, no refunds or exchanges.
  • Happy V-Day! I got you this card. Now where's my medal?
  • So happy we both swiped right.
  • Hope your heart is full of love and your mouth is full of chocolate.
  • I love you. But I like you a lot better after my first cup of coffee.
  • I’m so happy and thankful to have found someone as weird as me.
  • All I need in this life is you and me. Oh, and WiFi. And wine. And snacks. But that’s it, I swear.
  • You have the worst taste in TV shows, and I’m still madly in love with you. That’s how you know it’s real.


3 dari 3 halaman

Ucapan hari Valentine

  • Besides cheese, you are my favorite.
  • Know why I have a library card? Because I’m checkin’ you out.
  • Are you a banana? Because I find you a-peel-ing.
  • I love you because you're the person who annoys me the least.
  • Happy Valentine's Day to the one person who's sweeter than Russel Stover.
  • You know how I knew you were the one? You’re the only person I can stand for longer than 6 hours.
  • I know loving me isn’t always the easiest. But trust me, I’m worth it.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day! Nothing says love like a piece of paper folded in half with some words on it.

Bagaimana? Ada kalimat yang menarik perhatianmu?