Pandemi Virus Corona, Selebriti Hollywood Kampanyekan I Stay Home

Lanny Kusuma diperbarui 23 Mar 2020, 08:24 WIB, Jakarta Pandemi virus corona telah memaksa orang-orang di dunia untuk melakukan isolasi diri di rumah. Tagar #DiRumahAja dan #IStayHome pun ramai di media sosial, yang juga diikuti oleh Selebriti Hollywood.

Ya, ganasnya serangan corona yang tengah menghantui dunia, nyatanya juga mendesak para selebriti untuk mengurung diri di rumah. Demi keselamatan dan kesehatan bersama, tak sedikit dari mereka yang membatalkan jadwal syuting hingga tur yang telah direncanakan jauh-jauh hari.

Lewat kampanye "I Stay Home" para selebriti Hollywood pun mengajak banyak orang untuk sadar akan bahaya virus corona, dan berikut cara mereka berkampanye di media sosial.

What's On Fimela
2 dari 4 halaman

David Beckham

Kampanye #IStayHome David Beckham (Instagram/davidbeckham)

"Staying at home for the ones that we love. Thank you @kevinbacon for nominating me. I'm staying at home for Victoria and our kids, including Cruzie who's made his way into this photo. Let's stop the coronavirus spread together..."

Kampanye #IStayHome Demi Lovato (Instagram/ddlovato)

Demi Lovato

"There's a lot of things going on in our world right now, but if there's one thing that matters it's spreading love. #IStayHomeFor my parents, my neighbors and my health..."

3 dari 4 halaman

Elton John

Kampanye #IStayHome Elton John (Instagram/eltonjohn)

"Thank you @kevinbacon for the nomination!! #IStayHomeFor @davidfurnish and our boys. Today it's snakes, ladders and staying inside to stop the spread of coronavirus. Who are you staying home for?"

Kampanye #IStayHome Eva Longoria (Instagram/evalongoria)

Eva Longoria

"Stay at HOME! It's the least we can do to help STOP the spread of this virus. I stay home because it is such an easy sacrifice to make for my fellow neighbors. For the country. For the WORLD. I stay home for my sweet Santi baby. And for my beautiful husband Pepe..."

4 dari 4 halaman

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