Potret Bahagia SBY Bersantai Bersama Cucu Bikin Kita Ikut Tersenyum

Fimela Editor Diperbarui 21 Des 2015, 10:40 WIB
"Bahagia santai bersama cucu." Cikeas, 12 Desember 2015. "Happy relaxing with grandchildren." Cikeas, 12 December 2015.
"Yakin deh Sang kakek pasti bahagia sekali..." "So sure that the Grandfather must be very happy..." Photo by Ani Yudhoyono via smartphone
Tidak apa-apa walaupun gerakannya belum sempurna. Yang penting niatnya. Airlangga baru berusia 3 tahun.
"Biarkan anak menyalurkan bakat dan kreativitasnya masing-masing." "Let the children channel their own talents and creativities." Photo by Ani Yudhoyono via smartphone
"Ya Allah, lindungilah keluargaku..." "O Allah, please protect my family..."
"Generasi Ketiga Yudhoyono." Semoga mereka menjadi generasi yang unggul di masa depan. "The Third Generation of the Yudhoyono." Hopefully they will be the generation of excellence in the future.
"Selamat berhari Minggu. Semoga hari ini indah untuk kita semua." "Have a nice Sunday. Hopefully today will be wonderful for all of us." #weekend #Sunday