Fotografer Buka Suara: Momen di Balik 10 Foto Pernikahan Paling Mengharukan

Fimela Editor diperbarui 19 Nov 2015, 08:08 WIB
"As she introduced her new husband to her grandfather, it brought tears to my eyes." --Meg McGovern Hamilton
"All of the guests began crying immediately." --Victor Lax
"On the other side of this image is a father speaking to his daughter and new son." --Molly Michel
"This image has become synonymous with her joyful life before tragedy struck." --Tara Arrowood
"Her mom had died from cancer a few years before her wedding." --Erika Jensen-Mann
"To me, his expression says a thousand words." --Susan Bordelon
"Hope you don't mind, I'm doing a little multi-tasking!" --Ben Adams
"She managed to dance and smile like she had a lifetime to live." --Tara Arrowood