HEAD TO TOE BUDGET: LESS than Rp2.600.0000,- Kelly (kiri): Dress, Mango, Rp1.699.000. Kalung, KNOTHINKNEW - Voila, Rp425.000. Gelang logam, Veronica Accessories, Rp50.000. Kaus kaki, Yellowline, Rp70.000. Sepatu hak kayu, KLOOM - Soled, Rp275.000. Sima (kanan): Gaun panjang hitam, Something Else - 707, Rp1.300.000. Tas berpayet, Mango, Rp499.000. Cincin macan, Veronica Accessories, Rp45.000. Kalung, Ruph, Rp129.000. Sepatu hitam, Pull and Bear, Rp599.900.
HEAD TO TOE BUDGET: Rp3.000.000 & above! Sima (kanan): Atasan berpayet, Zara, Rp439.900. Vest abu-abu, Nikidee - Tribute, Rp579.000. Legging bermotif, Something Else - 707, Rp1.250.000. Cincin pita, Veronica Accessories, Rp75.000. Sepatu wedges, Never Understand, Rp369.000. Tas, Pull & Bear, Rp299.900. Kelly (kiri): Blus bermotif, Something Else - 707, Rp950.000. Embellished top, Motel - Tribute, Rp320.000. Kalung bordir, Zara, Rp499.900. Gelang merah, Veronica Accessories, Rp80.000. Gelang logam, Veronica Accessories, Rp50.000. Cincin logam, Chloris, Rp80.000. Sepatu flats, Melissa - 707, Rp1.150.000.
HEAD TO TOE BUDGET: Tak terbatas!Sima (kiri): Gaun dengan rok tutu, Diane Von Furstenberg, Rp 9.172.800. Gelang pink, Chloris, Rp 45.000. Kalung, FAR - Happy go Lucky!, Rp115.000. Sepatu wedge, Naima - Soled, Rp375.000. Kelly (kanan): Gaun hitam, Pull and Bear, Rp499.900. Kalung bahan tule, Eclectica - Voila, Rp120.000. Clutch detail lipit, Zara, Rp599.900. Gelang logam, Chloris, Rp 100.000. Sepatu wedges, Jeff Campbell - Tribute, Rp1.750.000. Cincin panda, On Pedder, Rp1.250.000. Cincin bentuk bibir, On Pedder, Rp1.250.000.