Pesan Haru Mischa untuk Istri Marcel Chandrawinata

Regina Novanda diperbarui 27 Nov 2017, 09:10 WIB, Jakarta Marcel Chandrawinata resmi melepas masa lajangnya dengan menikahi Deasy Pricilla pada Jumat, 24 November 2017. Acara pernikahan sendiri berlangsung intim dan romantis di Bali. Mischa pun turut berbahagia atas pernikahan Marcel.

Kekasih Jessica Milla itu pun menuliskan pesan haru penuh makna untuk saudara kembarnya. Menurut Mischa, Marcel bukan hanya sekedar saudara, melainkan seperti sahabat, bahkan belahan jiwanya yang menemani selama 30 tahun mengarungi kehidupan.

Mischa dan Nadine di pernikahan Marcel Chandrawinata. (Instagram/mischach)

"What is a brother? A brother is a person who is there when you need him, someone who picks you up when you fall, a person who sticks up for you when no one else will. A brother is always a friend. But you are more than a friend, you are my best friend, my partner in crime, my soul mate 👊," tulis Mischa.

Kebahagiaan pun tak terbendung kala Mischa melihat saudara kembarnya menikah. "I really couldn’t wish for a better brother and it is truly impossible for me to put into words just how much you mean to me. I can assure you that the whole family is proud of you Marcel, and we are all thrilled to see you marrying your beautiful bride Deasy," imbuh Mischa.

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Pesan menyentuh Mischa untuk Deasy

Pernikahan Marcel Chandrawinata. (Instagram/flawlesspic)

Sebagai saudara kembar, Mischa melihat cinta Marcel Chandrawinata dan Deasy Pricilla begitu kuat. Mereka selalu menemukan kenyamanan. Dan, dari ketidaksempurnaan, Marcel dan Deasy menjadi sempurna untuk satu sama lain.

"And for Deasy, you really are beautiful inside and out, although you guys fight a lot but you always find the comfort in each other. No one is perfect, but you guys are perfect for each other," puji Mischa.

Pernikahan Marcel Chandrawinata. (Instagram/flawlesspic)

Dalam kesempatan itu, Mischa juga menuliskan pesan haru agar Deasy senantiasa mencintai Marcel seperti ia mencintai Tuhan.

"Deasy, he is all yours now. Love each other like you love God. Make Him your center in your relationship. Happy weeding to you my twin brother, and welcome to the family Deasy Chandrawinata 🙏," tutur Mischa.
3 dari 3 halaman

Kebahagiaan Marcel Chandrawinata mempersunting Deasy

Pernikahan Marcel Chandrawinata. (Instagram/flawlesspic)

Sementara itu, dalam akun media sosialnya, Marcel Chandrawinata pun menuliskan ungkpakan kebahagiaannya dapat mempersunting Deasy Pricilla. Menurutnya, Deasy merupakan sosok yang sangat sulit untuk ditinggalkan, dan menerima ia apa adanya.

"Finally, I found someone I hate leaving. I've found someone that I can't get enough of. I've found someone that accept me for who I am and doesn't tell me I need to change. I think I've found someone who I can madly in love with @deasypriscilla the wife," ungkap Marcel Chandrawinata.