, Jakarta Musik metal bisa dibilang cukup segmented, dan pastinya kalah tenar dengan lagu-lagu pop. Meski demikian, hal ini bukan menjadi alasan bagi Metallica untuk berkarya asal-asalan. Nyatanya, saat ini mereka justru dikenal sebagai legend yang namanya dipuja oleh penganut semua genre musik.
Metallica sendiri adalah penganut aliran heavy metal/thrash metal yang berdiri di Los Angeles, California pada 1981. Awalnya, grup ini bukan bernama Metallica, melainkan Young of Metal Attack. Beberapa bulan setelah menyandang nama tersebut, barulah mereka berganti menjadi Metallica.
Sebagaimana dilansir dari Wikipedia, nama Metallica dicuri oleh Lars Ulrich, salah satu frontman, dari salah satu majalah. Sebelum majalah tersebut dirilis dengan nama Metallica, Ulrich terlebih dulu menggunakannya untuk nama band.
Metallica sendiri awalnya beranggotakan Lars Ulrich (drum), James Hetfield (vokal dan gitar), Lloyd Grant (gitar), dan Ron Mc Govney (bass). Para personil ini kemudian berhasil melahirkan album Metal Massacre pada tahun 1981. Sayangnya, formasi tersebut ternyata tidak bertahan lama. Setelahnya, mereka mengalami berbagai pergantian personil.
Saat ini, formasi Metallica terdiri dari Lars Ulrich (drums), James Hetfield (vokal dan gitar), Kirk Hammett (gitar) dan Robert Trujillo (bass). Dengan personil tersebut, mereka tetap berkarya dengan luar biasa. Bahkan, pada tahun 2008 mereka sempat merilis album studio kesembilan yang bertajuk Death Magnetic.
Karir Metallica memang masih tetap bersinar hingga sekarang. Nama mereka masuk dalam jajaran Big Four (pencetus thrash metal), yang selain mereka juga terdiri dari Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer.
Metallica - The Unforgiven
New blood joins this earth,
And quickly he's subdued.
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules.
With time the child draws in.
This whipping boy done wrong.
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own,
That never from this day
His will they'll take away.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never be.
Never see.
Won't see what might have been.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
They dedicate their lives
To running all of his.
He tries to please them all –
This bitter man he is.
Throughout his life the same –
He's battled constantly.
This fight he cannot win –
A tired man they see no longer cares.
The old man then prepares
To die regretfully –
That old man here is me.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never be.
Never see.
Won't see what might have been.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never be.
Never see.
Won't see what might have been.
What I've felt,
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
You labelled me,
I'll label you.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
You labelled me,
I'll label you.
So I dub thee unforgiven.
Never free.
Never me.
So I dub thee unforgiven.