13 Cara Tertawa Manusia di Berbagai Belahan Dunia

Floria Zulvi diperbarui 04 Jan 2016, 12:14 WIB

Fimela.com, Jakarta Tertawa sangatlah menyenangkan lagi menyehatkan. Tak hanya menjadi reaksi emosi yang mudah, namun ternyata sedikit tawa bisa mengenyahkan stres yang menjadi pangkal dari depresi. Sungguhlah aktivitas gratis yang miliki banyak kegunaan.

Merangkai tawa bersama keluarga, teman dan kekasih merupakan hal yang sangat membahagiakan. Tak jarang, untuk merasakan secuil rasa senang dan tawa kamu masih mencarinya dengan aplikasi pesan elektronik. Karena beragamnya bahasa yang dimiliki masyarakat dunia, maka tertawa pun memilki banyak cara. Yuk, simak macam-macam tawa via teks yang dimiliki penduduk bumi dari berbagai belahan dunia.


In Spanish, j is pronounced like the English h, so "jajaja" is the direct analog of the English "hahaha."

Posted by 8DICT on Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Meanwhile, In Great Britain.

Posted by 8DICT on Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The number 5 is pronounced "ha" so instead of saying "hahahahaha," Thai speakers will sometimes write "55555."

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

Sounds "keu keu keu" The Korean equivalent of the English "hahaha."

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

This "ههههههههههه" pronounced as "hahahahahahaha"

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

In Greek, X is pronounced like the English H, so "XAXAXA" is the direct analog of the English "HAHAHA."

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

This abbreviation, not to be confused with the one for the World Wide Web, likely originates with the Kanji character...

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

Though laughter is written 笑聲 and pronounced xiào shēng, Mandarin also relies on onomatopoeia for laughter: 哈哈, pronounced hā hāSimilarly, xixi, 嘻嘻, suggests giggling.

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

French equivalent of LOL, literally meaning "mort de rire", "Death from laughter" or "dying of laughter"

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

"xà xà xà" sounds like "חָה־חָה־חָה"

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

In Cambodia.It sounds "hahahaha".

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

With the vowels varying rather than the consonants.

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015

LOL = Laugh Out Loud= The end of the conversation.= Best reply when you cannot think of any good reply.= League of legend (For gamer)

Posted by 8DICT on Thursday, 31 December 2015